Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gossip Girl Exposed

Hey everybody,
I would just like to reveal that Mason Highschool's Carson McKenzie is the "Cellular Cincy Gossip Girl". Carson has told a number of her close friends that she is behind the widely known cell phone gossip system. Friends of hers were supposedly snooping through her phone and noticed that she was logged in to the gossip girl email account, and had been receiving emails  from people wanting to subscribe and tips about gossip going on all over the Cincinnati area. This is very likely, knowing she is the former best friend of Allie Eckes and Paige Hardman, both of which have had two very negative posts sent out about them. This is the gossip girl going on right now, being sent through the cell phones. Busted, C. Everyone at Mason apparently hates Carson now, because apparently, this is really, really believable. She is supposedly extremely pissed, but at the same time continuing to deny it.

Carson posted about the following high schools: Mason, Loveland, Lakota, Anderson, Turpin, Ursuline and Sycamore. All of her gossip came from people who sent it in anonymously. According to her close friends, she knew almost none of the people she posted about.